Social Media Policy

It is now generally recognised that when using sites like Facebook and Twitter, people seem much less likely to feel empathy, patience or compassion towards others. They are also significantly quicker to judge and become angry, far more so than they ever would in a real life situation. To keep all our social media accounts healthy, we’ve established some simple rules. When you engage with Mirata Ltd on any social media platform, our expectation is that you will not post content that is:

  • Abusive, angry, aggressive, defamatory, intolerant, offensive, obscene or sarcastic
  • Repetitive or continual, flooding timelines, threads or feeds
  • Intended to deliberately provoke
  • Unrelated to the discussion or off-topic
  • Fraudulent, deceptive, untrue or misleading
  • Spam, business solicitations or other advertising
  • In violation of any UK law

We may remove any posts that fall into the categories above, and we may on occasions, report a user to the platform owner or an appropriate governing body.

Mirata Ltd does not use social media to respond to negative comments about projects, events or services that we provide. We generally only post information that we believe is relevant to the majority of our followers, and we always try and remain sensitive and positive. Mirata Ltd cannot take responsibility for any content posted (or interactions made) by third parties on our social media accounts. If you see any posts that cause you concern, please let us know and we will investigate them.

By engaging in any Project, Service or Activity with Mirata Ltd you indicate your acceptance of this policy.
Mirata Ltd will review this policy every 5 years.

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